Results for 'Benjamin I. Ferleger'

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  1.  21
    A Pilot Study on Data-Driven Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation in Chronically Implanted Essential Tremor Patients.Sebastián Castaño-Candamil, Benjamin I. Ferleger, Andrew Haddock, Sarah S. Cooper, Jeffrey Herron, Andrew Ko, Howard J. Chizeck & Michael Tangermann - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  2. Shihuaci lun Zhongguo.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 2006 - Beijing Shi: Xin xing chu ban she. Edited by Jilin Xu & Hong Song.
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    Concepts of Experience in Royalist Recipe Collections.Benjamin I. Goldberg - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (1):37-68.
    This essay explores the idea of experience and its epistemological and practical role in maintaining the health of a household among early modern English Royalists. A number of prominent royalists during the mid-seventeenth century British Civil Wars expended quite some effort in the collection of medical recipes, including Queen Henrietta Maria herself, as well as William and Margaret Cavendish, and the Talbot sisters—Elizabeth Grey and Alethea Howard. This essay looks at these Royalists and four of their collections: three published (Henrietta (...)
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  4. The Ethical and the Meta-ethical in Chinese High Cultural Thought.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:3.
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  5. The Religion of Politics: Reflections on the Thought of Hannah Arendt.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1970 - Dissent 17 (2):144-161.
    In a period rich with controversy one should perhaps allow fading quarrels to die. It is not my primary intention to rekindle the heated debate that swirled about Miss Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem, but rather to see that book within the larger context of her philosophy. The following reflections were actually prompted by a reading of Miss Arendt’s On Revolution which, at least for this reader, suddenly revealed a certain unity of structure that can be discerned in all her writings. (...)
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    Eudaimonism in the Mencius: Fulfilling the Heart.Benjamin I. Huff - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (3):403-431.
    This paper argues that Mencius is a eudaimonist, and that his eudaimonism plays an architectonic role in his thought. Mencius maintains that the most satisfying life for a human being is the life of benevolence, rightness, wisdom, and ritual propriety, and that such a life fulfills essential desires and capacities of the human heart. He also repeatedly appeals both to these and to morally neutral desires in his efforts to persuade others to develop and exercise the virtues. Classical Greek eudaimonists (...)
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    That Same Old Song: Somin on Political Ignorance.Benjamin I. Page - 2015 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 27 (3-4):375-379.
    ABSTRACTIlya Somin's Democracy and Political Ignorance suffers from the fallacy of composition: It uses individual-level evidence about political behavior to draw inferences about the preferences and actions of the public as a whole. But collective public opinion is more stable, consistent, coherent, and responsive to the best available information, and more reflective of citizens’ underlying values and interests, than are the opinions of most individual citizens. Because Somin tends to blame the general public for deficiencies in our political processes, he (...)
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    Is Public Opinion an Illusion?Benjamin I. Page - 2007 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 19 (1):35-45.
    ABSTRACT George Bishop’s The Illusion of Public Opinion does a superb job of showing how various errors and malfeasances in conducting and interpreting surveys have created illusions about public opinion. It thereby offers a very useful compendium on how to do, and especially how not to do, survey research. Nothing in the book, however, provides persuasive evidence for either of two more troubling “illusion” arguments: that collective public preferences on policy issues do not exist; or that surveys cannot measure them. (...)
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    Free Will for the Long Run.Benjamin I. Huff - 2021 - The Monist 104 (3):352-365.
    For beings that have a beginning in time, free will seems impossible, because our choices seem to be a result of past events over which we had no control. Latter-day Saint theology offers what seems a simple solution: the idea that human beings have always existed in the form of spirits or “intelligences.” While this idea solves some key puzzles, contemplating an infinite past also brings the recognition that causal autonomy is not enough for freedom. A crucial feature of humanity (...)
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    In Defense of Policy Polling: Rejoinder to Bishop.Benjamin I. Page - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (1-2):159-165.
    ABSTRACT Contrary to George Bishop's claim, collective deliberation and cue‐taking permit even poorly informed individuals to form opinions that can accurately reflect their values and interests in light of available information. Statistical aggregation of poll results can smooth out offsetting errors and uncertainties and reveal collective preferences that are real, stable, consistent, coherent, differentiated, and responsive to information: preferences that policy makers should pay attention to. Media polls tend to be more useful for this purpose than academic surveys that encourage (...)
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    Le public rationnel et la démocratie : Extrait de Reconsidering the democratic public, sous la direction de George E. Marcus et de Russel L. Hanson, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993, p. 35-64. [REVIEW]Benjamin I. Page, Robert Y. Shapiro & Laurence Monnoyer-Smith - 2001 - Hermes 31:93.
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    Introduction: Labor Scholarship in an Era of Uncertainty.Benjamin I. Sachs - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):1-11.
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    Journal of the American Academy of Religion Thematic Issue: Studies in Classical Chinese Thought.Henry Rosemont & Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (3):339-342.
  14.  54
    On the absence of reductionism in chinese thought.Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1973 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1 (1):27-44.
  15.  19
    Christology in Contemporary African Christianity: Ontological or Functional?Babatunde Ogunlana & Benjamin I. Akano - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (4):13-18.
    This article examines the practical nature of Christology in contemporary African Christianity. The writers argue that though the religious mindset of the African people does not allow a dichotomy between ontological and functional Christologies, existential challenges have made many Africans tilt towards the functional end. The method adopted in the article is a descriptive approach. Christology is central to the orthodox Christian faith. It permeates all the pages of the Bible. The Old Testament consistently predicts the coming of the Messiah. (...)
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    Introduction.Sorana Corneanu, Benjamin I. Goldberg & Diego Lucci - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (1):9-16.
    This essay explores the idea of experience and its epistemological and practical role in maintaining the health of a household among early modern English Royalists. A number of prominent royalists during the mid-seventeenth century British Civil Wars expended quite some effort in the collection of medical recipes, including Queen Henrietta Maria herself, as well as William and Margaret Cavendish, and the Talbot sisters—Elizabeth Grey and Alethea Howard. This essay looks at these Royalists and four of their collections: three published (Henrietta (...)
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    China's Cultural ValuesThe World of Thought in Ancient China.Benjamin E. Wallacker, Benjamin Schwartz & Benjamin I. Schwartz - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):609.
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    Medical Care for Terrorists–Yes to Treat!Benjamin Gesundheit, Nachman Ash, Shraga Blazer & Avraham I. Rivkind - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10):3-4.
    With the escalation of terrorism worldwide in recent years, situations arise in which the perpetration of violence and the defense of human rights come into conflict, creating serious ethical problems. The Geneva Convention provides guidelines for the medical treatment of enemy wounded and sick, as well as prisoners of war. However, there are no comparable provisions for the treatment of terrorists, who can be termed unlawful combatants or unprivileged belligerents. Two cases of severely injured terrorists are presented here to illustrate (...)
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  19. Rethinking the role of the rTPJ in attention and social cognition in light of the opposing domains hypothesis: findings from an ALE-based meta-analysis and resting-state functional connectivity.Benjamin Kubit & Anthony I. Jack - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
    The right temporo-parietal junction (rTPJ) has been associated with two apparently disparate functional roles: in attention and in social cognition. According to one account, the rTPJ initiates a “circuit-breaking” signal that interrupts ongoing attentional processes, effectively reorienting attention. It is argued this primary function of the rTPJ has been extended beyond attention, through a process of evolutionarily cooption, to play a role in social cognition. We propose an alternative account, according to which the capacity for social cognition depends on a (...)
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    Medical Care for Terrorists—To Treat or Not to Treat?Benjamin Gesundheit, Nachman Ash, Shraga Blazer & Avraham I. Rivkind - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10):40-42.
    With the escalation of terrorism worldwide in recent years, situations arise in which the perpetration of violence and the defense of human rights come into conflict, creating serious ethical problems. The Geneva Convention provides guidelines for the medical treatment of enemy wounded and sick, as well as prisoners of war. However, there are no comparable provisions for the treatment of terrorists, who can be termed unlawful combatants or unprivileged belligerents. Two cases of severely injured terrorists are presented here to illustrate (...)
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  21.  9
    Franklin and Newton: An Inquiry Into Speculative Newtonian Experimental Science and Franklin's Work in Electricity as an Example Thereof.I. Bernard Cohen, Isaac Newton & Benjamin Franklin - 1966 - American Philosophical Society.
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    The effects of divided attention on encoding and retrieval processes in human memory.Fergus I. M. Craik, Richard Govoni, Moshe Naveh-Benjamin & Nicole D. Anderson - 1996 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 125 (2):159.
  23.  39
    From evolutionarily conserved frontal regions for sequence processing to human innovations for syntax.Benjamin Wilson & Christopher I. Petkov - 2018 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 19 (1-2):318-335.
    Empirical advances have been made in understanding how human language, in its combinatorial complexity and unbounded expressivity, may have evolved from the communication systems present in our evolutionary ancestors. However, a number of cognitive processes and neurobiological mechanisms that support language may not have evolved specifically for communication, but rather from abilities that support perception and cognition more generally. We review recent evidence from comparative behavioural and neurobiological studies on structured sequence learning in human and nonhuman primates. These studies support (...)
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  24.  3
    Reconsidering the History of Latin and Sabellic Adpositional Morphosyntax.I. V. Benjamin W. Fortson - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (1):121-154.
    Latin constructions of the type magna cum laude "with great praise" have traditionally been equated structurally and historically with univerbated phrases of the type mecum "with me" and further with postpositional constructions in Sabellic like Umbrian nertru-co persi "at the left foot." Moreover, all three have been adduced as archaic survivals of postpositional syntax in Italic. A detailed investigation of both the synchrony and diachrony of these constructions, however, reveals that these conclusions are for the most part incorrect and that (...)
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    The redemption of experience: On Walter Benjamin’s ‘hermeneutical materialism’.Benjamin Loveluck - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (2):167-188.
    The aim of this article is to show how philosopher and critic Walter Benjamin related to the hermeneutical tradition — and tried to move beyond it by ‘redeeming’ human experience, while avoiding the pitfalls of the philosophy of ‘authenticity’. Though convinced that questions relating to historicity were central to any understanding of modern human experience, Benjamin explicitly rejected the Heideggerian alternative, and chose a path closer to Hans-Georg Gadamer’s. He attempted to combine theological interpretation with dialectical materialism, always (...)
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  26.  16
    Critical Response I: Queer Theory Continues to Take Shape.Benjamin Kahan - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 51 (1):166-172.
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    Dypet i overflatenJörg Später,Kracauer. A Biography. Cambridge: Polity Press 2020.Benjamin Yazdan - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):182-194.
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    Natural right and liberalism: Leo Strauss in our time: Benjamin Lazier.Benjamin Lazier - 2009 - Modern Intellectual History 6 (1):171-188.
    Not long ago, the actor and playwright Tim Robbins directed a production in New York and Los Angeles called Embedded. The play is strange, but nowhere more so than in one, infamous scene: a black mass in honor of the deceased political philosopher Leo Strauss, conducted by candlelight by advisers to President Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war. Characters who are transparent representations of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice masturbate with abandon, all (...)
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    Why Do Students Procrastinate More in Some Courses Than in Others and What Happens Next? Expanding the Multilevel Perspective on Procrastination.Kristina Kljajic, Benjamin J. I. Schellenberg & Patrick Gaudreau - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Much is known about the antecedents and outcomes of procrastination when comparing students to one another. However, little is known about the antecedents and outcomes of procrastination when comparing the courses taken by the students during a semester. In this study, we proposed that examining procrastination at both levels of analysis should improve our understanding of the academic experience of students. At both levels, we examined the mediating role of procrastination in the associations between two dimensions of motivation and indicators (...)
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    Simulated Mortality—We Can Do More.Andrew T. Goldberg, Benjamin J. Heller, Jesse Hochkeppel, Adam I. Levine & Samuel Demaria - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (3):495-504.
    :High-fidelity simulation is a relatively new teaching modality, which is gaining widespread acceptance in medical education. To date, dozens of studies have proven the usefulness of HFS in improving student, resident, and attending physician performance, with similar results in the allied health fields. Although many studies have analyzed the utility of simulation, few have investigated why it works. A recent study illustrated that permissive failure, leading to simulated mortality, is one HFS method that can improve long-term performance. Critics maintain, however, (...)
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  31.  13
    Maybe I should...: case studies on ethics for student affairs professionals.Mimi Benjamin & Jody Jessup-Anger (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Maybe I Should: Case Studies on Ethics for Student Affairs Professionals addresses everyday ethical dilemmas faced by graduate students and new professionals in student affairs/higher education. This edition offers all new cases situated in multiple functional areas with a framework for analyzing these challenging situations.
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  32. Jak přežít padouchy.Benjamin Kuras - 2000 - Praha: Evropský literární klub.
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    Why I Am Not A Scientist: Anthropology and Modern Knowledge. By Jonathan Marks.Benjamin Murphy - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (2):353-353.
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Phillip Reed Rulon, Virgil S. Lagomarcino, Melvyn I. Semmei, Gertrude Langsam, Franklin Parker, H. Herbert Benjamin, George A. Letchworth, Gene E. Hall, Earl H. Knebel, Paul Woodring, Ernest R. House, Beatrice E. Sarlos, Jeffrey W. Bulcock, Hans H. Jenny & Sean Desmond Healy - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (2):112-122.
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  35. The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the Twenty-First Century.Ronald Bailey, Wendell Berry, Norman Borlaug, M. F. K. Fisher, Nichols Fox, Greenpeace International, Garrett Hardin, Mae-Wan Ho, Marc Lappe, Britt Bailey, Tanya Maxted-Frost, Henry I. Miller, Helen Norberg-Hodge, Stuart Patton, C. Ford Runge, Benjamin Senauer, Vandana Shiva, Peter Singer, Anthony J. Trewavas, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In The Ethics of Food, Gregory E. Pence brings together a collection of voices who share the view that the ethics of genetically modified food is among the most pressing societal questions of our time. This comprehensive collection addresses a broad range of subjects, including the meaning of food, moral analyses of vegetarianism and starvation, the safety and environmental risks of genetically modified food, issues of global food politics and the food industry, and the relationships among food, evolution, and human (...)
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    “In whose name I write”: Newman's two translations of Athanasius.Benjamin John King - 2008 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 15 (1):32-55.
    John Henry Newman made two translations of Athanasius's Orations Against the Arians: in the first half of the 1840s, when still an Anglican, for the Oxford Library of the Fathers series and a second attempt late in his life, a “free translation” published in 1881, by which time he was a Cardinal. The changes that he made to his original translation reflect thirty-five years of reading Catholic theology. In various ways, the new translation shares the theology of Leo XIII's Thomistic (...)
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    A Response to Burtchaell: I: The Ethics of Using Human Fetal Tissue.Benjamin Freedman - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (6):1.
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    Altorientalische Forschungen I.Benjamin R. Foster, Helmut Freydank, Friedmar Geissler, Horst Klengel Werner Sundermann & Peter Zieme - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):599.
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    I'm the Teacher.Martin Benjamin - 1985 - Teaching Philosophy 8 (2):151-153.
  40. Los i charakter.Walter Benjamin - 2009 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (11).
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  41. Gwaedd Uwch Gwlad; Neu Yr Udgorn Yn Chwythu Ei Sain I'r Frwydr, Cyhoeddedig Gan B. James.Benjamin Boanerges & James - 1843
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  42. I. Hobbes.Benjamin Milner - 1988 - Political Theory 16 (3):400-425.
  43.  11
    ha-Refuʼah ha-modernit: haḥlaṭot be-i-ṿadaʼut.Benjamin Mozes - 1988 - Tel Aviv: ʻAm ʻoved.
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  44. Comparative philosophy. A look at Harmony and Unity as common principles in the Confucian system and the Bahá'í faith.Benjamin B. Olshin - 2018 - In Mikhail Sergeev, Studies in Bahá'í philosophy: selected articles. Boston: M-Graphics Publishing.
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    Placebo Orthodoxy in Clinical Research I: Empirical and Methodological Myths.Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer & Kathleen Cranley Glass - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):243-251.
    The use of statistics in medical research has been compared to a religion: it has its high priests, supplicants, and orthodoxy. Although the comparison may be more unfair to religion than to research, a useful lesson can nonetheless be drawn: the practice of clinical research may benefit—as does the spirit—from critical self-examination. Arguably, no aspect of the conduct of clinical trials is currently more controversial—and thus in as dire need of critical examination—than the use of placebo controls. The ethical and (...)
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  46. (1 other version)Do we have free will?Benjamin W. Libet - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):47-57.
    I have taken an experimental approach to this question. Freely voluntary acts are preceded by a specific electrical change in the brain that begins 550 ms before the act. Human subjects became aware of intention to act 350-400 ms after RP starts, but 200 ms. before the motor act. The volitional process is therefore initiated unconsciously. But the conscious function could still control the outcome; it can veto the act. Free will is therefore not excluded. These findings put constraints on (...)
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  47.  27
    Ethical Inclinations.Lucy Benjamin - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (3):671-689.
    In this article I take up the image of inclination developed by Adriana Cavarero in her book, Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude as a mode of developing an account of history informed by an ontology of heterogeneous ethics. Clarifying the potential of inclination contra the Kantian figure of “uprightness,” the principle task of this article is to reimagine the implications of inclination with regard to Walter Benjamin’s theses on history. Ultimately, I show that by pushing at the relationality inherent (...)
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  48.  18
    Earthly births.Lucy Benjamin - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (2).
    The aim of this article is straightforward: to present two clarifications of Hannah- Arendt’s seasoned political concept of natality and to conclude by positioning this new account of natality within the context of the climate crisis. In many ways, this concluding section, where natality is read as a form of historical emancipation, hinges on the degree to which I succeed in reframing existing conversations around natality. In the first instance I submit an ‘earthly reading’ of natality before turning to discuss (...)
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  49. You ought to ϕ only if you may believe that you ought to ϕ.Benjamin Kiesewetter - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (265):760-82.
    In this paper I present an argument for the claim that you ought to do something only if you may believe that you ought to do it. More exactly, I defend the following principle about normative reasons: An agent A has decisive reason to φ only if she also has sufficient reason to believe that she has decisive reason to φ. I argue that this principle follows from the plausible assumption that it must be possible for an agent to respond (...)
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    A. I. Mal′cév. Ob eléméntwnyh téoriáh lokal′no svobodnyh univérsal′nyh algébr. Doklady Akadémii Nauk SSSR, vol. 138 , pp. 1009–1012. - A. I. Mal′cev. On the elementary theories of locally free universal algebras. English translation of the preceding by Elliott Mendelson. Soviet mathematics, vol. 2 no. 3 pp. 768–771. - A. I. Mal′cev. Aksiomatiziruémyé klassy lokal′no svobodnyh algébr nékotoryh tipov . Sibirskij matématičéskij žurnal, vol. 3 , pp. 729–743. [REVIEW]Benjamin Franklin Wells - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):278-279.
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